
Assertiveness of a child vs assertiveness of an adult

The word ‘assertiveness’ is well known in today’s world. When we say it, most of the time we mean good self-esteem, confidence and the ability to speak your mind clearly. Today I propose to look at assertiveness more precisely and see the difference between assertiveness of a person who is just learning to manage their […]

time to say goodbye all roads have reached the end all ended up in the void of nothingness time to say goodbye the distance shows the truth all illusions unmasked leaving nothing to look at time to say goodbye I’m watching false ancient gods laughing as they move to the next believer to charm and [...]

I remember when I was a little kid, and then a little older, I devoured books. I don’t understand why, but books about Native Americans fascinated me exceptionally. Reading many novels about their lives, adventures, spirituality, customs and beliefs, I had this unexplained impression that it was so deeply familiar. Logically, it didn’t make any […]

VR Fitness - The Most Fun Home Exercise In 2020 when the pandemic started, many businesses, including gyms, were forced to close. Looking for a substitute I could do at home, I found VR (Virtual Reality) fitness. Seeing on YT how it looks and what people say about it, I couldn't wait to buy VR [...]

There are many theories describing abundance in the trendy field of inner work. Most often, this word is associated with money, wealth or good. However, this is a half-truth, because why should this word be reserved only for something that is beneficial from the point of view of the mind? It is easier to see […]

RESEARCH ADVENTURES CONTENTS Part I: The Structure of Human Self-Awareness Emotional layer Quality of the connection Perception of reality Emotional body Internal regulator Missed deeper layer The mechanics The structure of human self-awareness Disruptions in the mechanics Correction of the misalignment Mini unit of the principle Part II: Mitochondria as the Center of Awareness DNA [...]
RESEARCH ADVENTURES CONTENTS Part I: The Structure of Human Self-Awareness Emotional layer Quality of the connection Perception of reality Emotional body Internal regulator Missed deeper layer The mechanics The structure of human self-awareness Disruptions in the mechanics Correction of the misalignment Mini unit of the principle Part II: Mitochondria as the Center of Awareness DNA [...]
I woke up from a dream of bottomless pit of never enough they say unconditional love is enough they say it heals everything it does not I will love more… it’s not enough the abyss is empty again I will forgive one more time… it’s not enough I’m the enemy again I will understand harder… [...]
I found the Diamond in the deepest chamber of the I it dwells in plain sight but in a blind spot looking in its direction and nothing there the blind spot created by comfort that makes your soul blind desperate to find it the cornerstone of your existence lost without it in a vast space [...]

Probably everyone is familiar with the feeling of loneliness. It can appear in various life circumstances: someone has left us and we feel a void and sadness, or we are lost in the forest and the lack of support in this loneliness arouses fear. Most often, the roots of the feeling of loneliness go back […]

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