Welcome to the gateway of self-awareness and inner wholeness.
In my new book, You Are the Dream of the Universe, I offer a unique approach to understanding your deeper Self and unlocking potential that is true to YOU. Dive deep into your essence to discover and understand the pivotal role of widely overlooked Inner Parent—the protector and guide through life. Embrace your core self and feel whole inside. Through insightful guidance and practical exercises, this transformative resource will empower you to dissolve limiting beliefs, release suppressed emotions, and cultivate harmonious relationship with your deeper Self.
Are you ready to embark on this life-changing journey?
Start exploring now.
Take an unprecedented journey into your deep inner Self in a revolutionary look at self-awareness
Bridge your internal divide with the concepts within and,
- Learn to embrace your core gifts and reconnect with your enthusiasm for life through integrating your Inner Child and Inner Parent.
- Experience the emerging Inner Adult in you as a result of a harmonious union between the Inner Child and the Inner Parent.
- End inner conflicts by releasing suppressed emotions safely and allowing them to flow instead of manifesting disorders.
- Find healing by releasing suppressed emotions through 25 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) exercises—offering hope for a brighter tomorrow.
- Dissolve limiting beliefs formed in childhood that distort your self-perception and filter your experiences.
- Recognize that your judgments reflect inner states (not absolute truths) to heal inner wounds that end outer conflict.
Knowledge and understanding are only a prelude to real change. When it comes to applying intellectual knowledge in everyday reality, many people ask the question “But HOW do I do it?” Everyday stress, demanding situations, life problems and old behavioral patterns take over, and all the intellectual knowledge suddenly becomes inaccessible; we feel, behave and act the same – again. You Are the Dream of the Universe clearly explains the structures of the deeper Self, its Center (the Inner Child) and the Boundary (the Inner Parent). It helps to understand and see how crucial the integration of these two structures is. Inner peace, harmony and joy of life depend directly on this union of the deeper Self, and there is no way around it. The Inherence Process takes the book experience to another level, where you meet your deeper Self face to face.

Is it for you...?

The Inherence Process allows you to see your personal unrealized interest in holding on to something you don’t want. You get transparent with yourself and you see your truth. During the process there is only you looking at you. It helps you to finally leave your deep comfort zone and enter a new dimension of yourself. You connect back to your inner Power, because by releasing your unconscious deep attachment to what you don’t prefer, you align pieces of your inner structure back in order. In the area where the connection gets restored, everything flows again. And the flow is the Love itself.
The process is elegant and gentle. There is no need for fight or struggle. You don’t deal directly with your traumas here, but with your very personal misaligned levels of who you really are. When you feel your true core self, the problems just fall off of you because they serve no purpose anymore.
Ask Kasia a question
Katarzyna ‘Kasia’ Dodd, founder of INHERENCE®LLC, is a renowned therapist with 16 years of practice as a clinical psychologist educated and licensed in the EU. After years of extensive research in expanded states of awareness, she introduced the transformative “Inherence Process” to connect individuals to their innermost self. Moreover, she pioneered the introduction of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in Poland. Originally from Kraków, she now resides in the United States, immersing herself in deep inner exploration.
“When I was 8 I already knew why I did come here on Earth. That summer I got sick and spent 2 weeks in the children hospital. When I was leaving with my mom, I stopped in the parking lot, looked back and said to her: ‘One day I will come back here and make everyone in there, better.’ Everything I have done or chosen since then supported this goal. Results are astonishing. And there is more to discover and share.”