This workshop is a practical application of the book “You Are the Dream Of the Universe”, but you can take the workshop without reading the book. The book clearly explains the structures of the deeper Self, its Center (the Inner Child) and the Boundary (the Inner Parent). It helps to understand and see how crucial the integration of these two structures is. Inner peace, harmony and joy of life depend directly on this union of the deeper Self, and there is no way around it. However, when it comes to applying this intellectual knowledge in everyday reality, many people ask the question “But HOW do I do it?” Everyday stress, demanding situations, life problems and old behavioral patterns take over, and all the enlightened intellectual knowledge suddenly becomes inaccessible; we feel, behave and act the same - again.
Inherence Workshop
Close Encounters With Your Deeper Self
The deeper unconscious motives keep these structures misaligned, and they can't see each other. It results in the feeling of being "behind the veil".
Often, there is a long distance from the level of intellectual knowledge to the level of feeling and behaving. It all depends on how many false beliefs, generational emotional patterns and personal attachments to unconscious material people encounter on the path connecting the intellectual dimension with the dimension of deep feeling. In other words, how ready you really are to meet, accept and embrace your deeper Self. The findings usually surprise.
The Inherence Process is a very powerful yet simple modality that you can compare to a straight tunnel with guideposts that safely moves you out of a “bad land” to a new land of light and Inner Power. You finally feel and experience what awakening truly is, instead of only understanding it.
The purpose of this workshop is to teach you the Inherence Process, its different aspects and applications, so you can easily, almost intuitively, use it in your everyday life, even “on the spot”.
Is it for you...?
Yes, if you answer positively to one of the below:
What to expect
- Duration of the workshop - 4 weeks.
- Maximum amount of participants - 20
- Every Sunday there is a 2 hour online group meeting on Zoom. We guide participants through the Inherence Process, and then there is time for questions and sharing.
- During the week, between online meetings, participants are required to practice the process for 4 days, 0.5-1 hour a day.
- Materials for practice are provided on the workshop platform.
- After every practice, participants send, through the platform a private note to us, describing the experience and asking questions if something was unclear or difficult. We answer and clarify the same day.
- Every time we meet live online, we introduce different angles of doing the process.
- This is a VERY intensive work, so be prepared for it. After a month you will have a different relationship with your deeper Self, the world, others and life.